During this summer, I’ve focused on embracing JOMO. In case you are wondering, JOMO is the short form for ‘Joy of Missing Out’. It usually means leaving behind the devotion to social media — ignoring tweets, messages, emails, and other distractions that rob us from living in the moment and appreciating what is happening right […]
choices for spending time
Prepare for A Happy New Year
In a few days, we will turn the page on 2017 and prepare for the ‘Happy New Year’ that is wished for us in almost every encounter. There is something special about a new year. The past is gone. A clean slate opens. It’s a time to anticipate fresh opportunities. A ‘Happy New Year’ won’t […]
Why I Love Bookclubs
Until I retired in 2010, I never belonged to a bookclub. Joining a bookclub was an aspiration for which there was never enough time. Life was too busy. During hectic ‘career’ years I was lucky to read a book each month for pleasure. Most of my reading consisted of professional journals and industry publications — […]
Manage Time — Manage Choices
In recent months, as I’ve struggled with managing time in retirement, I’ve realized that it’s not so much about how I manage time as it is about how I manage choices. In 2010, when newly retired, I felt like a kid in a candy store. There were so many options for retirement happiness. I was […]
Too Many Choices –Time Management Decisions in Retirement
‘”Too much to do — too little time” Yesterday, in the post-exercise coffee shop conversation at the gym several women lamented about how busy they were. They complained that their retirement schedules were as over-crowded as work schedules had been. Everyone struggled to find enough time for the gym, for grand-children, for hobbies, for travel, […]