Last week, when I had to change plans and rearrange my schedule, I learned how novelty brings joy when I attended my grandson’s soccer tournament. Illness and a heavy work schedule created conflicts that made it impossible for either my son or daughter-in-law to take my grandson to his first indoor soccer tournament. What a […]
Author: Jeanette Lewis
Crossing the Holiday Finish Line
During the rush of preparations for the Christmas holiday, I keep myself going with thoughts of crossing the finish line. The excitement as I shop, bake, clean, and decorate exhausts me. There are moments when I consider whether it’s worth the effort. Holidays are stressful, especially for women. When I was younger, my automatic response […]
A New Can Opener
A new can opener is one of the best birthday presents I received last month. It’s a sleek electric model that sits on my counter ready to use. You might wonder how such a practical gift creates excitement. Can openers, after all, are rather mundane and ordinary. For older people, however, having a can opener […]
Another birthday
Today I celebrate another birthday. I’m 79 years old. And, that means I’m living in my 80th year! On most days, I don’t feel old. Cognitively, I know my age, and it’s almost eight decades since I was born. Perhaps there is a disconnect between my chronological age and the age I feel. How […]
Labour Day — Is This the End of Summer?
When the long Labour Day weekend arrives, I wonder if this is truly the end of summer. Meteorologically, autumn begins on September 1. The cooler mornings at our cottage indicate a change of season. Summer Plans The arrival of summer brings anticipation of opportunities for unscheduled long lazy days to spend at the cottage. This […]
Gadgetry Intimidation
Like me, do you suffer from gadgetry intimidation? The terminology itself causes intimidation. I’m faced with learning a new language for every new appliance, app, or technology I use. Sometimes the intimidation comes from a gap in spatial intelligence, especially when faced with product assembly. This happened recently when we bought new bar stools for […]
Oh, my aching body….
It’s a rare day that some aspect of my aching — and aging — body fails to greet me every morning. This is especially true at this time of year when I’m busy with spring gardening chores. Why do these seemingly inexplicable aches appear? Sometimes it’s a sore knee; on other days, it’s an aching […]
Spring and Renewal
Spring is thought of as a time of renewal — a time for new beginnings. Or, is it? It’s tough to feel renewed amid daily news of political turmoil, climate anxiety, an epidemic of homelessness, and repeated mass shootings. The world has become a scary place. Every newscast brings its version of ‘breaking news’ with […]
Identity Changes
As I grow old I realize that my identity changes with the seasons of life. These changes don’t mean losing the essence of who I am. Time, circumstances, and experiences change aspects of who I am. Identity formation is based on relationships, environment, race, social class and experiences. Media, religion, family and friends also shape […]
Neighbourhood Chit-Chat Builds Community
Over the holidays we enjoyed neighbourhood party chit-chat at a couple of events held at the homes of cottage neighbours. One couple had a big neighbourhood party to entertain folks living in the immediate area so we could see their newly built home. Another couple who used their house as a seasonal cottage until last […]