September Celebrations and Re-Set

My September review shows that it’s been a month of celebrations in my postworksavvy lifestyle. September is my birthday month and a birthday provides an annual opportunity for a fresh start or a re-set.  For many, including me, September always feels like the start of a new year. 

Our 57th anniversary and my birthday were excuses for celebrations. Each celebration took place over several days. After all, why mark important life events such as birthdays and anniversaries only on one short day?

Our Anniversary on Labour Day Weekend

We celebrated our anniversary with a fun weekend at the cottage. The hot and sunny weather also had us celebrating the end of summer weekends at the cottage with our grandchildren as they would soon return to school and regular routines. Beach time, swimming in beautiful Lake Huron, steaks on the barbecue, a few glasses of good wine plus the joy of family made for a memorable anniversary and a fun Labour Day weekend. 

As we toasted each other, both my husband and I remarked that we have lived more years of our respective lives together than as individuals. Over 57 years our relationship has certainly evolved from a young married couple with dreams for a future together, through years of parenting and careers, and into retirement.  Both of us feel exceptionally blessed to grow old together. 

My Birthday

My birthday came just a few days after Labour Day — a reminder that I am nearing the end of my 7th decade!  Interestingly, as the years pass, I keep feeling younger than my chronological age.  Perhaps it’s a form of denial. 

Birthday celebrations included a lovely dinner at our son’s home one day and a special lunch with my husband at our favourite restaurant on another day. Throughout the birthday week, I received many telephone calls, cards, and texts as family members and friends communicated their good wishes.  Birthdays have a way of filling the heart with appreciation for all the gifts in my life!

September Re-Set

September is akin to January for me as it signals the start of a new year. Schools start a new year and years of going to school or sending children to school have programmed most of us to be ready for a new start every September.  

After my birthday, it’s time for my annual reset. Summer is ending and goof-off time is over — although the joy of our anniversary and my birthday prolonged those summer feelings of happiness, carefree joy and well-being.

Intentionality frames my September re-set.  I’m determined to achieve one or two small goals every day.  Instead of letting the hours pass aimlessly, I’m focusing on ‘to-do’ items and plans that have been on my list for months. If I can go to bed knowing that some purposeful task was completed, I’ll give myself a gold star for living with intention on that day. The difference between accomplishing something or neglecting it may be small but the payoff in feelings of accomplishment is huge.

Some of my small goals relate to necessary household or garden tasks that vary with the seasons.  These may involve hobbies, changing habits, or learning new things. Other goals include entertaining and taking my turn at hosting monthly meetings of clubs to which I belong. Since I’m a list-maker, it brings pleasure to check items off the list at the end of a week. 

My September re-set also involves making time for writing.  I’ve badly neglected my blog in the past months as I’ve been busy writing family stories for my grandchildren.  My excuse is that after 13 years of writing Postworksavvy posts, there’s nothing left to say.  But, things change over the years and previous ideas can benefit from re-thinking. 

Putting together a decent blog post requires a fair amount of time which means setting intentions to write consistently.  I’ll let readers evaluate the results!

As I review September, I remember the joyfulness of celebrations and how special I felt on those days.  Deciding that my reset will focus on intentionality provides motivation to achieve small goals and make purposeful changes to daily behaviours and habits. Spending precious energy on things that make a difference in my life ensures that I feel generally good about myself and my accomplishments.  That’s the path to happiness in my Postworksavvy lifestyle.




8 Replies to “September Celebrations and Re-Set”

  1. Marilyn Harris says: Reply

    Oh Jeanette, I am so relieved to see your blog post today! It has been some time since you have written here, and I was getting worried that you weren’t well. But writing stories for your grandchildren is a fine pursuit. They will cherish them always. Being a retired teacher, September has always been a time of new beginnings for me as well. How lovely that your birthday coincides with this gorgeous month and season. Many happy returns of the day!

    1. I’ve neglected posting on my blog as I am determined to compile the family stories for my grandchildren. The stories bring floods of memories — sometimes happy memories and sometimes painful memories. With the change of seasons, I have a bit more time for writing.
      Thanks for commenting on the blog post.

  2. September really can be special.  And happy birthday, a few weeks late!

    1. Thanks — September is my favourite month. Because my birthday falls in September it always feels like the beginning of a new year.

  3. Congratulations on 57 years, and a Happy Birthday to you, too! I’m a list maker too, so I understand the need to feel like something is accomplished. I don’t want to waste my days! It is wonderful that you feel younger than your chronological age. It’s not denial! Perhaps it is closer to rejecting ageist stereotypes! I hope your year ahead has many more blessings for you!

    1. Thanks for your good wishes on my birthday and on our anniversary.
      Rejecting chronological age is definitely a reaction against ageist stereotypes! I have to stop myself from reacting when I see ageism which seems rampant. Sometimes it’s as innocent as a comment like ‘you don’t look your age’ that is meant as a compliment! I think the only way to deal with ageism is to call it out when appropriate but to leave it be when it’s an innocent comment.

  4. Receiving your words today, my birthday, gave me joy. September/Fall by far my favourite time of year!

    1. Happy Birthday to you! May this be a year of new beginnings for you!
      I’m pleased to know that the post brought joy into your life today.

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