Since my recent hip surgery, I’m loving my old lady shoes. These shoes are flat-soled lace-up styles or flat-soled shoes with a MaryJane-type strap across the arch. They give stability rather than style. I’ve traded style for comfort and it hasn’t been easy. However, if I want to walk through the rest of my days, […]
Happiness and the Five Senses
Prompted by one of my favourite podcasters, Gretchen Rubin, a happiness guru, I’ve been thinking about how appreciating the five senses affects our happiness. Rubin is publishing a book on the five senses sometime in 2023. Her promotion of this book prompted me to consider how fully experiencing various sensations influences happiness. This is especially […]
Easing Into A New Year
After taking the holidays to pause, it’s time to grasp the new year. The days before and after the December celebrations offer an opportunity to evaluate what’s essential in life in preparation for the months ahead. It’s time to ease into another year — slowly. Over the holidays I thought about the health challenges faced […]
Holiday Plans
It’s the holiday season. At our house, that means Christmas and New Year celebrations. For some of my readers, it means Hannukkah or Kwanza. The holidays will be different because I’m still recovering from hip surgery. Sadly, decorating Christmas cookies with grandchildren won’t happen this year. Definitely, there won’t be dancing! I will focus on […]
Darkest Time of the Year
This is the darkest time of year in the Northern Hemisphere where we live. The sun sets early every evening as we move toward the Winter Solstice. After adjusting to Daylight Savings Time and turning clocks back, we are faced with shorter days and longer nights. Shortly after 4:00 pm, I’m switching on the lights. […]
Changes and Uncertainties
Life is filled with changes and uncertainties. Several readers have emailed to ask if something happened that made me abandon the postworksavvy blog. They noticed that my irregular posting schedule came almost to a full stop! The blog isn’t abandoned; however, there’s been unanticipated changes in my life leaving little time nor inclination to write […]
A Different Summer
Summer 2022 has been a different summer for us. The seasons are about to change so this is a good day for a summer review. Since purchasing this Grand Bend cottage in 1984, our family tradition is to spend most of each summer at our cottage retreat. Time at the cottage always provides a change […]
Effects of the Culture of Ageing
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be….” — Robert Browning Did Browning imagine the effects of the culture of ageing in the Western world when he penned that famous line of poetry? Or did he expect the note of optimism contained in the poem to serve as an antidote to fear […]
Dog Days of Summer
The dog days of summer have been more of a challenge in 2022 than in the past. Hot humid weather is always difficult for me as I prefer cooler weather. I don’t hate the summer, but I just don’t do well when it gets too hot. A hiatus from writing blog posts has been part […]
The Practice of Generosity
Earlier this month, the minister of the Unitarian Church that we attend on zoom presented a meditation on the spiritual practice of generosity. The service was billed as a stewardship service. Past experience with stewardship services had me assuming that the service would focus on giving money to the church, tithing, pledging, etc. Just about […]