What’s your track record on keeping promises to yourself? Most of us work hard to keep the promises we make. Solemn promises such as wedding vows or professional oaths, or commitments to professional standards of conduct are high-level promises — to ourselves and to others. Our word becomes a commitment. When I make a promise […]
Life satisfaction
Happiness Doesn’t Mean Always Being Happy
Does happiness mean always being happy? I’m not sure that it’s possible to expect a constant state of happiness — especially when we live in a scary time and in a confused world. We want happiness that comes from feelings of joy and pleasure. Yet these feelings are fleeting. Never-ending bliss is impossible. Everyone has their […]
Harness the Benefits of Journal Writing
For years I’ve written a journal. I don’t know if journal writing has improved my life but when I don’t write in the morning, it feels that the day hasn’t begun as it should. A comfy chair in my den is my preferred spot for journal writing. Occasionally I choose to write in bed propped up […]
Make your life a ‘work of art’ by living well
“Art is the proper task of life“ — Friedrich Nietzsche Nietzsche’s 19th century writings on philosophy and the meaning of existence encouraged people to live artistically, attaining satisfaction with the self through adhering to aesthetic values and creating works of art and poetry that capture and convey some form of beauty. Did he mean that […]
Retirement Happiness — Use Your ‘Psychic Armour’
One morning last week as I drove to the gym for morning exercise, I listened to a short documentary about the importance of psychic armour. I was intrigued. I had never thought of psychic armour as a method of protection from the inevitable stresses or anxieties that can unexpectedly hit anyone at any time. Whether […]
Positive Self-Talk and Positive Thinking
One of the secrets of a happy retirement is using positive self-talk and positive thinking. I’ve had a reminder of this truth in the last few days. After their annual health examination, our veterinarian recommended that our 13-year-old cats needed to be anesthetized to have their teeth cleaned and to have extractions of decayed teeth. […]
Retirement Indulgences
Retirement indulgences are highly individualistic pleasures. Some consider them ‘guilty pleasures’. I consider retirement indulgences the benefits of life after work. Retirement indulgences are those pleasures that give enjoyment and make life worth living. There is no guilt involved. Retirement is the time in life to indulge in freedoms that come with growing older, […]
7 Reasons Why Smart People Struggle with Retirement
Why do smart people struggle with retirement? After decades of work, many take a hard look at their finances including pensions and government benefits. Next comes the decision to retire. After the hoopla of retirement celebrations, many question this decision. There are a few weeks — or months — of feeling that life is an […]
20 little things that make a BIG Difference
Taking a moment to appreciate the little things that make you happy is time well-spent. Appreciation of little things helps me to stay optimistic and to keep a fresh perspective. When I open my eyes to the good things happening around me I stay focused on the blessings of life. So please indulge this postworksavvy blogger as […]
Enjoying your retirement — how to stay focused on your priorities
All of us look forward to enjoying retirement and to filling our days with activities that matter. Through the last months of my career, I often thought about how I would spend my time. I dreamed of having enough time for hobbies, for physical fitness, for entertaining friends, for relaxing, and for learning new things. […]