Retirement Happiness — Celebrations

It’s the May long weekend in Canada — sometimes called  May two-four, or Victoria Day weekend.  We’re at the cottage with our son, daughter-in-law and grand-daughter.

The weather forecasts call for sunny days; trees and plants have begun to show their summer finery; people are celebrating on the beach.

The challenges of preparing to move from our house have consumed most waking hours during the past few days leaving little time to write blog posts. Instead, I’m goofing off, taking much-needed time off.

Most Canadian readers are celebrating this weekend enjoying warm outdoor weather in their gardens, at festivals or at their cottages.  For readers from abroad, please enjoy this time vicariously.

To read posts written in earlier years about this celebration weekend, please click on these links:  How to Enjoy the May Two-Four Weekend

What are your essential May 2-4 traditions?

I welcome feedback and will reply to your comments!

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