Retirement Happiness — Trying New Things

Trying new things changes your perspective. What you did previously, how you did it, and how it made you feel, change. My perspective on walking changed today as I experimented with walking poles. My husband felt that I would build more endurance and upper body strength if I challenged myself to walk differently. Hence, one […]

Dealing with Holiday Leftovers

With the hoopla of Christmas and New Year celebrations coming to a close, it’s time to deal with holiday leftovers. I’m thinking about leftover Christmas paraphernalia of all types — from food and decorations to leftover feelings. Dealing with either, or both, physical and emotional leftovers is sometimes rather unpleasant. Unfortunately, I know of no solution […]

Retirement Happiness — A Knitting Journey

A few years ago I returned to knitting. This forgotten hobby was something I taught myself during pregnancy more than 30 years ago.  To teach myself, I bought needles, yarn and a ‘how to’ book designed for children. I struggled with holding the needles and maneuvering the yarn to achieve consistent tension. With no online […]

How do you assess your life’s work in retirement?

As we grow older, it’s common to assess your life’s work.  In the past six weeks as I’ve recovered from the flu and another bout of pneumonia, there’s been too much time for staring at the bedroom ceiling and thinking.  I’ve assessed my life’s work since retirement six years ago.  I’ve also been thinking about plans […]

Learning How a House Works

Since moving four months ago, my husband and I are busy learning how everything in our house works. Many contractors are available to support homeowners but, ultimately, some knowledge of rudimentary aspects of how a house works depends on the occupant. Living comfortably in any house in Canada means having, at minimum, a dependable furnace […]

September — A month of New Beginnings

September is a month that signals new beginnings.  More than January, the dawn of September feels like the start of a new year for a variety of reasons. Life settles into a routine. Vacations and lazy days of summer are over.Children and young people return to school. Days are shorter and nights are cooler. The arc of […]

Retirement Happiness — Life Intermissions

Intermissions in life usually accompany a major life change. The life change might be a marriage, the birth of a child, a promotion at work, or achievement of a milestone such as running a marathon. The life change may also result from the death of a loved one, a health crisis, a financial set back, a divorce, […]