Happiness Doesn’t Mean Always Being Happy

Does happiness mean always being happy? I’m not sure that it’s possible to expect a constant state of happiness — especially when we live in a scary time and in a confused world. We want happiness that comes from feelings of joy and pleasure. Yet these feelings are fleeting.  Never-ending bliss is impossible. Everyone has their […]

Have You Outgrown Yourself?

When your retirement life feels constricted, you might ask whether you have outgrown yourself. Whaaaat — you ask? How can that happen? In all likelihood, you have outgrown your retirement lifestyle.  You planned a fulfilling and exciting retirement — not one that feels smaller with each passing year. Outgrowing oneself may be a natural progression of […]

Age Changes Life’s Perspective

Have you noticed that age changes your perspective on life? The ‘stuff’ of daily living matters less. There are fewer worries. It’s easier to ignore things that, in the past, might have led to anxiety, frustration, or anger. Negative events, though troubling, are more easily taken in stride. Thinking focuses on the present rather than dwelling […]

Retirement Happiness — Learn from what’s not working

When we want to learn about what works in life, taking a look at what’s not working offers many lessons. When you try something and it doesn’t work, you learn from the experience. Sometimes, it’s smart to leave a frustrating endeavour and try something else rather than discouraging yourself in a hopeless project. If the […]