Nurture Creativity As You Grow Older

It was surprising to read that creativity studies in adults conducted by psychologists at the University of California Berkley showed that creativity tends to decline with age. Their research found that older adults showed fewer creative thought processes than children. This study supports the idea that older people aren’t creative. Society generally regards elders as […]

The Person I’ve Become

Since retiring in 2010, I marvel at the person I’ve become.  I look back at my younger self and realize how much I’ve changed and evolved. I’m gradually feeling calmer, kinder, even happier as I grow older. Calmness The sense of calm comes from good health habits.  I cook and eat nutritious whole foods, get regular […]

5 Essentials for Aging Successfully

Most postworksavvy folks want to have a long and successful retirement.  We want to age ‘successfully’. But sometimes we sabotage ourselves because we have not developed a strategy for retirement. In my postworksavvy experience there are 5 Essentials to consider in your strategy for aging successfully. Physical Activity.  No retirement will be successful with health problems that hold […]

Is your curiosity keeping you mentally sharp?

As I watch my cats explore any new package that enters the house, or inspect visitors before approaching them, I realize that curiosity and careful scrutiny is their method of analyzing new situations.  Ever curious and hopeful for attention, novelty or food, they approach new situations by exploring.  Eventually this natural inquisitiveness is rewarded — […]