As is the case for most readers, I’ve attended my share of reunions over the years. High School reunions, university home-comings, class reunions, and work-related reunions. These events often involve dinners, speeches, pub crawls, site visits and dances. It is always great fun to see former classmates and former colleagues, to reminisce, and to recall […]
Why Some Reunions Make You Happy
Some reunions make you happy. Contact with people who have influenced your life validates and energizes you. In terms of retirement happiness, some reunions are worthwhile — others, not so much. The big ‘home-coming’ reunions at universities I’ve attended never attract me. It’s not worth the time or expense to attend these events to re-kindle relationships […]
Why attend reunions?
A couple of weeks ago I attended a reunion of sorts. It was a 100 year anniversary celebration for a not-for-profit charity that does advocacy for child welfare organizations. Those attending included many people with whom I worked prior to retirement. As well as publishing an overview of its history of legislative and public policy achievements […]