Life is filled with changes and uncertainties. Several readers have emailed to ask if something happened that made me abandon the postworksavvy blog. They noticed that my irregular posting schedule came almost to a full stop! The blog isn’t abandoned; however, there’s been unanticipated changes in my life leaving little time nor inclination to write […]
Why aging does not have to be a losing battle
Everybody wants the benefits of good health in retirement. Aging is not a losing battle. Senility, grouchiness, poor memory, body aches and pains don’t necessarily go with aging. Taking care of your health requires a few good habits that are neither costly nor onerous. Most of these habits become enjoyable as they become part of […]
Why Laughter Keeps You Young …and Healthy too
It’s no longer a secret that laughter keeps you young. Researchers studying the process of aging know that laughter improves blood circulation — to the head and to the heart. Laughing is good for you. A good belly laugh every day improves mood, improves physical health and improves emotional health. Best of all, it’s free […]
7 Easy Ways to Maximize Health
Retired people rank health security among their highest priorities for a successful retirement. Last year, during the weeks and months following hip surgery, I struggled with limited mobility. I realized how much I had taken my good health for granted. I also realized what every Postworksavvy reader knows — good health is essential for a happy retirement. You […]
Retirement Observations — one year out and it still feels like a vacation
Today marks one year since I left the office, put my briefcase into a corner and started retirement. It’s one year later and every day still feels like a vacation! The first 365 days of retirement have been wonderful. Moreover, I am confident that next year will be better yet. I look to the future […]
Scoring your Retirement — How do you measure retirement well-being?
The secret of health for both body and mind is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly –Buddha Well-being most often refers to ideas such as happiness, fulfillment, quality of life or living a good, meaningful life. Spiritual leaders, psychologists and […]