Thoughts on Turning 70

As my birthday approaches, I have many thoughts on turning 70.  It seems that milestone birthdays — especially those that mark another decade merit reflection. I’ve now lived seven decades of my life.  It’s truly a time for reflection!  I’m looking back at old journals as I can’t recall each of these important decade birthdays. […]

5 Essentials for Aging Successfully

Most postworksavvy folks want to have a long and successful retirement.  We want to age ‘successfully’. But sometimes we sabotage ourselves because we have not developed a strategy for retirement. In my postworksavvy experience there are 5 Essentials to consider in your strategy for aging successfully. Physical Activity.  No retirement will be successful with health problems that hold […]

7 Easy Ways to Maximize Health

Retired people rank health security among their highest priorities for a successful retirement.  Last year, during the weeks and months following hip surgery, I struggled with limited mobility.  I realized how much I had taken my good health for granted. I also realized what every Postworksavvy reader knows — good health is essential for a happy retirement.  You […]