Clutter Creep after Down-sizing

Two years after moving and clearing 25 plus years of clutter before down-sizing and selling our ‘too big’ house, I’m noticing clutter creep. It’s subtle but the signs are undeniable. ‘Stuff’ is coming back. Closets, drawers, and shelves that were uncluttered after unpacking and settling into our new house are filling up. Is it the birthday […]

The work of preparing a house for sale

Preparing to sell a house involves pain, both physical and psychological. We are in the process of de-cluttering, organizing, and purging the house where we have lived for 25 years in preparation to list it next month. Real estate agents and home stagers are ruthless in their evaluation of what to remove or add to make each […]

De-cluttering and Decision Fatigue

De-cluttering brings on decision fatigue. If you want a headache, backache, and a pain in the neck — all at the same time — decide to sell your house! Purging, de-cluttering, organizing, and cleaning are all necessary to prepare a house for sale. Since early January, we’ve been clearing ‘stuff’ from the basement. We began in […]