Preparation for major surgery

You can prepare for some things in life. Some things you must accept as life unfolds.  In the world of postworksavvy,  joint replacement was not part of the plan.

I’ve spent the past few days preparing for the hip replacement surgery that I wrote about in an earlier post.  There has been the busy work of moving things in the kitchen, closet and bathroom around so that I don’t have to bend  to reach essentials.   I’ve cooked food and put it into the freezer so that we don’t have to rely too much on take out food. I’ve searched out the tripping hazardous such as throw rugs and put them away.  The necessary medical equipment to help me once I come home from the hospital has been purchased including a walker, a cane, a bath stool, a long handled reacher, a sock aid, a long handled shoe horn, and a raised toilet seat.  The world of home medical equipment was new to me and quite a lesson in what ‘able’ people take for granted — a learning experience.

I’ve also been doing mental preparation including lots of thinking about how I will react to temporary loss of ambulatory capacity, how I will manage pain, how I will care for myself, how I will respond to hospitalization, and how I will manage rehabilitation.  Basic things like dressing will require re-learning.  The prospect feels daunting.  I admit to feeling frightened and wishing that there were some way to magically regain my health without all of the discomfort.

In the last few hours before I go to the hospital I have been especially busy responding to emails, telephone calls and last minute visits with good luck wishes.  I believe that each of us is given the strength to face what has to be faced in life.  I have previously written about mental toughness and facing difficulties.  Reviewing some of these posts provides encouragement for facing yet another unknown journey.

So friends and readers wish me well tomorrow and, send your good karma, your prayers and all of your positive energy tome and to my orthopaedic surgeon.  Stay tuned for an update when I am back at the keyboard.  Blessings to all, Jeanette

2 Replies to “Preparation for major surgery”

  1. Phyllis Lovell says: Reply

    Wishing you all the best Jeanette


  2. It’s already 19th here in South Africa, seven hours ahead of you, and my prayers are with you as you go into surgery. May God be with you and your surgeon this day and may he bless you with a complete, speedy and painless recovery.

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