In a few days, we will turn the page on 2017 and prepare for the ‘Happy New Year’ that is wished for us in almost every encounter. There is something special about a new year. The past is gone. A clean slate opens. It’s a time to anticipate fresh opportunities. A ‘Happy New Year’ won’t […]
Personal Growth
Retirement Happiness — Go Outside Your Comfort Zone
How often do you go outside your comfort zone? Most of us like routines. We like predictability. We like to know what’s expected of us and know that we’ll be able to perform competently. A comfort zone is a safe place. We don’t want the stress of taking a risk on something new or unknown. […]
Retirement Happiness — Clear Mental Clutter
Every day I hear about the importance of clearing physical clutter but I don’t hear admonitions to clear mental clutter. When my brain fills with chatter and uncertainty about what I should be doing next, I know that it’s time to step back and clear the mental clutter. Junk floating around the brain is similar […]
Make your life a ‘work of art’ by living well
“Art is the proper task of life“ — Friedrich Nietzsche Nietzsche’s 19th century writings on philosophy and the meaning of existence encouraged people to live artistically, attaining satisfaction with the self through adhering to aesthetic values and creating works of art and poetry that capture and convey some form of beauty. Did he mean that […]
Retirement Happiness — Shed Emotional Weight
A few days ago I overheard two people at the gym discussing the idea that emotional weight was more difficult to shed than physical weight. I was intrigued by this conversation. Early in my career I worked as a marriage and family therapist. Sometimes I felt the weight of the feelings in the therapy room. […]
Positive Self Talk
Do you practise positive self talk? Is there an inner voice in your head with a running commentary that helps you to feel good about yourself? Or, is the commentary critical and negative? Everyone talks to themselves — sometimes quietly and sometimes out loud. Because self talk influences self confidence and self esteem, the way […]
Last Chance to Create the Life you Love
Last week, as I chatted with one of my beach friends, she commented that retirement represents a last chance to create a life you love. She talked about her retirement journey and expressed longing for the day when her husband finally retires. She spoke of plans for relocating to a warmer climate to enjoy beach […]
Are you having fun yet?
The Urban dictionary describes the phrase ‘are we having fun yet?’ as “an annoying phrase used by dipshits at convenience stores, offices, or pretty much any place of business”. Too bad that I didn’t understand this during my days at the office where I heard the phrase too often! Since retirement I’ve heard this term […]
Death of a friend
A friend and former colleague died today. I dedicate this blog post to her memory. I met this lady 39 years ago when she came for a job interview at the children’s mental health centre where I worked at the time. She got the job and worked at that institution through her career seeing countless […]
What does ‘home’ mean to you?
What does ‘home’ mean for you? Is it simply the place where you live? A dwelling for shelter and rest? Is it a place of comfort, safety, refuge, happiness? Is it where you can truly be yourself? The meaning of home is unique for each of us. Whether home is a palatial residence or a […]