Summer 2022 has been a different summer for us. The seasons are about to change so this is a good day for a summer review. Since purchasing this Grand Bend cottage in 1984, our family tradition is to spend most of each summer at our cottage retreat. Time at the cottage always provides a change […]
cottage life
Guilty Pleasures of Summer
Ontario’s civic holiday weekend at the beginning of August is history. Half of the summer is over which leaves only 4 to 6 weeks to enjoy summer treats. Days are shorter. This is a good time to consider the pleasures of summer — yes, some of these pleasures feel guilty — others, bring no guilt! […]
Farewell to Small Town Bakeries
Today I say farewell to another small town bakery that’s closing. When we recently arrived in Grand Bend for a summer of cottage life, Uncle Jimmy’s Scottish Bakery was boarded up with a For Sale sign in the front parking lot. No more will fresh sausage rolls, oat cakes, whole wheat loaves, fresh buns, pies, […]