Spring is thought of as a time of renewal — a time for new beginnings. Or, is it? It’s tough to feel renewed amid daily news of political turmoil, climate anxiety, an epidemic of homelessness, and repeated mass shootings. The world has become a scary place. Every newscast brings its version of ‘breaking news’ with […]
Stress reduction
Retirement Happiness — Clear Mental Clutter
Every day I hear about the importance of clearing physical clutter but I don’t hear admonitions to clear mental clutter. When my brain fills with chatter and uncertainty about what I should be doing next, I know that it’s time to step back and clear the mental clutter. Junk floating around the brain is similar […]
Retirement Happiness — Use Your ‘Psychic Armour’
One morning last week as I drove to the gym for morning exercise, I listened to a short documentary about the importance of psychic armour. I was intrigued. I had never thought of psychic armour as a method of protection from the inevitable stresses or anxieties that can unexpectedly hit anyone at any time. Whether […]
Moving Brings Mental Challenges
Most people are aware that moving is a physical process; however moving also brings mental challenges. As we prepared to move, we anticipated an amount of disruption to our lives. We expected that the process of settling in to our new home would take several months. What we did not predict was the effect of […]
The Distraction Enemy in Retirement
As too many tech devices compete for attention, I’m determined to deal with the distraction enemy in retirement. Who would have thought that technology would create angst after we’ve left the office? Whether from text messages, emails, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or old-fashioned voice mail, on most days digital demands rob every one of precious time. […]
Why Laughter Keeps You Young …and Healthy too
It’s no longer a secret that laughter keeps you young. Researchers studying the process of aging know that laughter improves blood circulation — to the head and to the heart. Laughing is good for you. A good belly laugh every day improves mood, improves physical health and improves emotional health. Best of all, it’s free […]
Retirement — Time to Play
“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face” — Victor Hugo With retirement comes the opportunity to swat a worried face and to swap those long ‘to do’ lists for serious fun. This is the time to re-discover play and to spend time every day just having fun — and replacing frowns […]