“May all your impossible dreams come true” This is the message on one of my favourite Christmas mugs! It’s a message that makes me reflect on the deepest wishes each person holds close to the heart at this time of year. Impossible dreams contain an element of magic. For children everywhere, impossible dreams may involve […]
Author: Jeanette Lewis
Got Double Vaxxed
Last week my husband and I went to our local clinic and got double vaxxed aka double jabbed. In plain English, it means we got double vaccinated. We made an appointment, showed our Ontario health cards, and got the latest COVID-19 vaccine in one arm and the 2023 version of the senior’s flu shot in […]
Staying Positive in A Worrisome Time
I’m sure that most readers will agree that it’s difficult to stay positive in this worrisome time. The negative news cycle of the past few weeks supersedes some of the worst news cycles I’ve experienced in the past twenty-five years. This recent news cycle involves war, climate-related disasters, political fights, gender-based protests, and mass murder. […]
My Crown
I’m announcing that I own a Crown! No, it’s not a crown for my head; it’s a new car — a Toyota and the model is called a Crown! After dithering for weeks, we bought a new car! Here’s the story of my Crown: In a previous post, I described several frustrating trips to car […]
September Celebrations and Re-Set
My September review shows that it’s been a month of celebrations in my postworksavvy lifestyle. September is my birthday month and a birthday provides an annual opportunity for a fresh start or a re-set. For many, including me, September always feels like the start of a new year. Our 57th anniversary and my birthday were […]
Blind Date
Who has a blind date when happily married and 77 years old? I did! Last week, a lady I met when attending Unitarian Church services on Zoom came with her daughter for lunch and a visit. I will refer to her by the initial (M) of her given name. She lives in Toronto and her […]
Shopping for a New Car
After discussing the need for a new vehicle for several weeks, we decided that it was time to go shopping for a new car. When my husband needed leg braces for mobility, he stopped driving and we gave his car to our son. Since then, we’ve used my older, but reliable Toyota Venza for our […]
Time — Indomitable Opponent or Friend?
The passage of time sometimes feels like an indomitable opponent and other times it brings a sense of possibility. Regardless of how it’s viewed, it can’t be overcome. Those of us living in life’s last decades know there’s no bargaining with time. We know our past, understand our present but don’t know our future. The […]
Talking to Myself — Out Loud
As I grow older, I find I’m talking to myself more often. I’ve always had rich conversations using my inner voice and, as a former social worker, I know this is perfectly normal. Thankfully, most of my conversations are in my head and nobody can hear what I’m saying. Recently, I’ve begun speaking out loud […]
Childhood Food Memories
Since following podcaster and author Gretchen Rubin’s work urging awareness of the five senses, I have focused on sensory experiences for more happiness. In the past month, the focus is taste. I’ve tried to replicate the tastes of various foods from my childhood. Remembering the tastes of certain foods evokes a strong connection with my […]