Why Overcoming the Habit of Multi-tasking Creates a Successful Retirement

Did you spend most of your career juggling several priorities? Was it commonplace to deal with too many demands — work/home; personal/career? Did you feel inundated with responsibilities and requests? Did you wish for more hours in the day to complete tasks? In the last few years of my working life, I could answer ‘yes’ […]

Why aging does not have to be a losing battle

Everybody wants the benefits of good health in retirement.  Aging is not a losing battle.  Senility, grouchiness, poor memory, body aches and pains don’t necessarily go with aging. Taking care of your health requires a few good habits that are neither costly nor onerous.  Most of these habits become enjoyable as they become part of […]

Ignore Retirement Advice — Find your own path

There’s endless advice available to people who are retired or about to retire.  Newspapers, magazines, talk shows, financial advisors, personal coaches, family, friends, books and blogs — including postworksavvy — offer counsel.  There is advice on where to live, how to live, how to spend your money (or keep it), and how to spend your time. […]